Immature Lovers Skate On Thin Ice

    The statement says that the immature lovers have to face lots of problems. What are the problems they have to face?
    First of all, young people are not always mature enough to consider starting a close relationship with their friends. They don't know how to care for and how to maintain a stable relationship with each other. So, problems may arise between them, for example, they may usually have quarrels that will affect their emotions. As we all know good emotions are especially important for a good learning attitude. When they feel unhappy or too excited because of their boyfriend or girlfriend, students may not pay attention when having their lesson. Also, dating will dominate much of their time e.g. watching films, shopping. They will not concentrate on their study, and their academic results will seriously deteriorate.
    Secondly, most parents object to their children, especially parents of young children, dating. They notice that it would have a bad effect on their study. If the young people ignore their parents' advice and just do what they want, this will result in a bad relationship with their parents.
    Moreover, young people are usually lacking in knowledge about sex. They will simply have sexual intercourse with each other when they feel excited or when they so desire. Boys won't think about whether they can shoulder the responsibility they must take if they do this thing, and girls often don't have enough sense to protect themselves. Some girls will have sexual intercourse unwillingly with their boyfriend in order to avoid upsetting their boyfriend. Unwanted pregnancies usually occur. Some girls will choose to have abortions, because they have no ability to take care of the child. Although, the problem might seem to be solved, the wound in their heart can't be healed. Some of the girls will choose to give birth to the baby, but then abandon it immediately. It's unfair to the children, and many problems occur for society as a whole.
    Some surveys show that the incidence of young people who have AIDs or other sexual diseases is getting higher and higher, as they don't know how to take safety precautions when undergoing sexual intercourse.
    Overall because of the problems mentioned above I totally agree with the statement. I think education, by telling them about the sense of love and knowledge about sex, is the best way to solve the problems.

Ng Yuk Wah S. 6B (26)


